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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Classic Start menu for Microsoft Windows 7

New version! - Get all the features of Windows classic Start menu back into Windows 7! Seven Classic Start returns the convenience of Windows original Start menu to Windows 7 users, making the new system easier to master for users of Windows XP and Vista.

Microsoft has removed the original version of Windows Start menu from its latest operating system, Windows 7. Loyal customers of legacy versions of Windows are being left in the cold by Microsoft - but not by Skyshape! Seven Classic Start makes upgrading to Windows 7 painless for experienced users of older versions of Windows, saves the initial shock and smoothes the learning curve of upgrading users.

The innovative, high-tech version of Windows Start menu introduced in Windows 7 is not necessarily welcome by experienced users of previous Windows editions. The lack of choice resulting from Microsoft's removal of classic Start menu from Windows 7 leaves many computer users frustrated. Seven Classic Start enables the familiar look and feel of the classic Start menu found in Windows XP and Vista for users of Windows 7.

Seven Classic Start is fully-featured, implementing all functions of the original Start menu and carefully reproducing its look and feel. Complete with everything that makes the original Start menu beloved by so many users, Seven Classic Start is the first third-party alternative to hi-tech bells and whistles of Windows 7.

Seven Classic Start is compatible with all 32 and 64-bit editions of Windows 7 including Home, Professional, Business, and Ultimate versions.




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